Mind Memory Mycelium

A Celebration of Women (+NBA) in the Book Arts

When the world gets quiet, and we are starved of connection, we humans join “mushroom foraging clubs”! (true story)

Longing for community and belonging is such a part of the human experience. Our memory remembers a time when we lived in community. We crave connection to the natural world, and “foraging” is an entry point. Though it’s much deeper than just free food.  It touches upon a ghost of a memory inside our psyches, a lost connection which is alive in our muscle memories.

Fungi embody connection. They are conduits for communication, regularly trading resources with other organisms from beneath the forest floor through a web of threadlike membranes, the mycelium

It’s the strands of mycelium which connect us all, Yes we are all connected, interconnected, and tangled up

Keys unlock the memories, sometimes a little rusty, sometimes buried in dirt,  tangled up in the mycelium

Our homes, both our brains and our physical houses, home to our memories, sometimes lead us to believe that we are separate from one another

But the realiity is, it is the mycelium beneath us, which holds the fabric together, keeping us connected as one breathing entity, where we all belong.

Tony(a) Lemos, March 2nd 2024

Co-Curator, Mind Memory and Mycelium

“Books and doors are the same thing. You open them, and you go through into another world.”          – Jeanette Winterson