The cyanotype process, also known as the blueprint process because of its deep Prussian blue color, was invented and named by Sir John Herschel in 1842 and is one of the oldest photographic processes.
It was popularized by Anna Atkins who became the first person to produce and photographically illustrate a book using cyanotype printing. During this hands-on workshop we will delve into the history of the method and learn how we can adapt it to home printing.
Cyanotype is one of the easiest photographic printing techniques you can do at home without expensive equipment or a photography darkroom. We will learn to work with the sun as our UV light source, and the sun and weather at the time will determine the intensity and type of cyanotype prints we produce. Participants will make both dry and wet cyanotypes from found plant material, as well as experiment with soap suds and kitchen spices. We will also discuss toning and staining cyanotypes. Participants will also learn how to reproduce a photo by printing from a negative using the cyanotype process.
Everyone will make their own original prints and leave with enough information to continue the practice at home. All levels welcome.
*Materials included in the price of the workshop.
Learn more here.
Cyanotype printing from a digital negative
Add on Advanced Class : May 17th, 9:30-3:30
Cyanotype Photography: Printing From a Digital Negative
More info here